by murdoc | Jul 6, 2020 | Episodes
Trump is here and everybody is crazy. The dark web! A dummy explains what it is. I’m pretty sure I’m 87% sure. Giving away hamsters on the internet. New bit: Even Stevens: Fauci and Defund the Police. Leatherneck Nation! Sports to reconsider. Scout abuse... by murdoc | Jun 25, 2020 | Episodes
Sorry to the racists, my bad. Summary Turns out I was wrong about that noose story and Nascar. My bad. A grown up admits when they are wrong, they don’t change the argument. Mailbag: Hockey, Pitbulls, Bands. Been Listening to: The Kickback, Audiotree Live shows... by murdoc | Jun 25, 2020 | Episodes
I know it’s been a little bit. I’ll tell you why. Use your I Feel Statements and maybe just shhhh for a bit. RIP King Ron. You were the best man. Remembering the Sex Talk from your mother Train Graffiti News! The best gizzards in SD? Go. Canned Moose... by murdoc | May 16, 2020 | Episodes
Five episodes in – you must like the sound of my voice as much as I do. TEXT THE HOTLINE: 605-340-0811. Best of FB: Bridges vs Trucks in Pierre Covid Music: Astronautalis, Prof, Soulcrate, POS, etc.. (#doomtree) Thanks to Wes back East for the playlist... by murdoc | May 15, 2020 | Episodes
Thanks for listening! The FIRST Story From Alcester! (my home town that was equal parts Rockwell and Redneck). Non Trump/CV NEEEEWWWWWS. (Things you can’t do in IKEA) Defending: The news, murder hornets, the mining company. Not everything is Tiger King, relax....